ALIWEB-Title: ORNL's Magic Bullets - On Target for Health
Description: Article on four radiopharmaceuticals agents that are being tested in patients with cancer, heart disease or pancreatic insufficiency. Another is in preclinical testing for brain disorders like Alzheimer's disease.
ALIWEB-Title: Tumor-Fighting Genes and Chemical Health Risks
Description: Article on a tumor-suppressor gene that could help determine if waste- site chemicals pose a cancer threat. Two sidebars discuss the gene's potential for treating cancer and AIDS.
ALIWEB-Title: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - The First 50 Years (1942-1992)
Description: A 50-year history of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Keywords: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Clinton Laboratories, ORNL, X-10, Oak Ridge Manhattan Project, Eugene Wigner Alvin Weinberg, Clifford Schull history, Tennessee, national laboratory
Title: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - The First 50 Years (1942-1992)
Description: Article describing ORNL's Surface Modification and Characterization Collaborative Research Center
Keywords: ion implantation, ion beam deposition, ion beam mixing, ion beam annealing ion beam research, ion scattering analysis, nuclear reaction analysis ion channeling, surface analysis
Description: Article describing the educational partnership between Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Keywords: education, science education, ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORAU ORISE, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Energy
Description: The HNF organization Web pages contain extensive information about the HIgh Performance Parallel Interface channel technology and companies that make HIPPI products.
Keywords: HIPPI, High Performance, channels, ANSI
Title: HIPPI Networking Forum pages
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: MaxTech Home Page
Description: Maximum Computer Technologies, Inc. corporate home page. Includes pointers for support, sales, products, etc.
Keywords: Products, Corporate Profile, Distributors, Technical Support
Title: MaxTech Home Page
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: MaxTech Free Eval page.
Description: Special free evaluation promotion offered by MaxTech. Provides access to free product evaluation for DOUBLEVISION. Allows the download of evaluation copies of DOUBLEVISION.